Dologite, Dorothy G.

Topic Weight Topic Terms
0.320 students education student course teaching schools curriculum faculty future experience educational university undergraduate mba business
0.152 strategies strategy based effort paper different findings approach suggest useful choice specific attributes explain effective

Focal Researcher     Coauthors of Focal Researcher (1st degree)     Coauthors of Coauthors (2nd degree)

Note: click on a node to go to a researcher's profile page. Drag a node to reallocate. Number on the edge is the number of co-authorships.

Couger, J. Daniel 1 Davis, Gordon B. 1 Feinstein, David L. 1 Gorgone, John T. 1
Jenkins, A. Milton 1 Jr., Herbert E. Longenecker 1 Kasper, George M. 1 Little, Joyce Currie 1
Valacich, Joseph S. 1
Education 1 faculty resources. 1 information systems 1 system analysis 1
system design 1 undergraduate curriculum 1

Articles (1)

IS'95: Guideline for Undergraduate IS Curriculum. (MIS Quarterly, 1995)
Authors: Abstract:
    This paper provides an overview report of the first joint curriculum development effort for undergraduate programs in information systems. The curriculum recommendations am a collaborative effort of the following organizations: ACM, AIS, DPMA, and ICIS. After a summary of the objectives and rationale for the curriculum, the curriculum model is described. Input and output attributes of graduates are delineated. Resource requirements for effective IS programs are then identified. Lastly, there is a proposal for maintaining currency of the curriculum through electronic media.